Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Talking about Presidents

We have gone to Chick-fil-A a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. In their kids meal the toy is not exactly a toy but rather a set of flash cards bound by a ring. The cards have pictures of our Presidents on the front and a short bio and a very small picture of the first ladies on the back. We are sitting at the table and Jaida is flipping through them showing us which ones are on money when she looks up and says there are no girls in here. She seemed quite dismayed that there were no girls on the front of the cards. Joe and I explained that in the history of our country having Presidents there has never been a female (or girl in Jaida lingo).

I am still a bit conflicted as to which dem candidate I will vote for. I like them both and think either would make a great POTUS. The extremely liberal feminist in me is screaming that I should vote for Hillary. The idea that my daughter could be raised in a time where having a Madame President is just normal makes me positively giddy with happiness. What better way to illustrate that as a woman Jaida is fully capable of achieving anything her heart desires.

I can't wait to vote in the MD primaries and you better believe Jaida will be going with me when I do it.

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