Friday, September 19, 2008

NOW Endorsement

For the first time since 1984 NOW (National Organization of Women) has endorsed a presidential candidate in the general election. Very important news for women everywhere.

Spoke to me

Anyone that knows me knows I am an Obama suporter. Now that that disclaimer is out of the way .... this video really spoke to me. Here is the link

Friday, September 05, 2008

Science Debate 2008

There are lots of issues to debate during this political season. Also many liberal and conservative sources for information. As a scientist that is married to a scientist Joe and I both believe strongly in scientific integrity and research based learning. There is a HUGE missing element to the current political debates and that is the discussion of the current state and future of scientific research in our country.

I would suggest the Science Debate 2008 website as a good jumping off point for finding out the views of our future political leaders on many relevant scientific issues.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Number 7

Jaida is playing big kid league soccer this year. She has been doing great during practice. She even has been playing goalie during many practices and she proudly will tell anyone that will listen that she even picks up the ball when it is yucky and when it looks like someone might kick her. ;)

When given the choice of what jersey number she wanted to be she looked at the list and picked number seven. I need to find out what went into this decision of hers. She always has a reason ... I need to find out waht made number seven so attractive to her.


My baby is in kindergarten! I had nightmares for the entire week before she started. Jaida, on the other hand, was practically vibrating out of her own skin with excitement at the prospects of being at the BIG school with the BIG kids. She loves her teacher, her classroom, her locker, her pink mailbox, walking in, the playground, taking her lunch to school, the science center, checking out books from the library and have I mentioned her teacher .... who happens to be quite young, bubbly, and energetic. It doesn't hurt matters that Jaida thinks she looks like her teacher (dark hair and eyes) and that her teacher has proclaimed PINK! as her all-time favorite color. It is all good!

Some pictures from Jaida's first day of school ...

Jaida enjoying her first day of school breakfast

Modeling her new big girl back pack

Standing outside her new big kid school

In the words of Jaida ... "I am mostly excited with a tiny bit of nervous"