Monday, February 06, 2006

Role Playing

Jaida's new favorite game is role playing. For a while this only involved Jaida ... she pretended to be a dog, cat or orca. But now they often involve elaborate scenarios and Joe and myself. Joe is on a research cruise this week so I have Jaida's full attention. Tonight Jaida specifically asked me to pretend to be the big sister so she could be the baby. It was pretty cute. Then we swapped roles. She also loves to be Doctor Jaida. Since Jasper dog is rather gimpy right now with a bad knee she is really enjoying tending to him with her doctor kit. I think it makes him a bit nervous though ... as it should.

Jaida has her first dentist appointment on Thursday morning. I am taking her to a pediatric dentist group here in town that just seems fantastic. This is just a routine check-up meant to get her used to being seen by the dentist. There are no problems that we know of. In fact, Jaida has beautiful straight teeth and a nice bite ... not sure how this happened as both mine and Joe's teeth required a fair amount of orthodontics and are still fairly crooked. She has been dutifully practicing holding her mouth open while I count her teeth. She is hoping she gets a lollipop from the dentist ... I told her she is more likely to receive a new toothbrush ... she does not seem impressed.

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