Tuesday she came out of class with her tooth leaning out of her mouth onto her bottom lip. It grossed me out on so many different levels. So yesterday while she was practicing piano I went in and grabbed a wash cloth and got it wet with cold water and came out and asked to see her tooth. She asked why I had a washcloth and I told her because teeth can be slippery. I guess she didn't quite figure out what I was planning. After I pulled her tooth out she looked at me and asked what I did because it felt strange. That is when I showed her the tooth in my hand. She gasped and shrieked about how I had pulled her tooth but said it didn't hurt. I still wonder what she thought I was going to do?
Anyhow the tooth fairy visited and left her a gold one dollar coin for her cute little tooth. This was Jaida's first tooth to come out. After all the agony and sleepless nights we went through while she was a teething baby I was a tiny bit sad to see it go.
1 comment:
They grow up so fast. I remember Adelle losing her first tooth....
If memory serves, she was terrified of losing it and also, hung onto it much past it's usefulness.
Give Jaida a big hug from Uncle Bill. I miss her very much (as I do with the rest of you guys!). I can't wait to see her "new" teeth when we get together again.
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