Thursday, January 31, 2008
Grandparent's Day
This year Jaida is a bit more aware of her situation. When she found out Grandparent's Day is coming up soon she very timidly asked me what we are going to do since her Grandparents all live far away. I explained that she was correct that the Grandparent's that would be willing to come to such an event do live far away so they would not be able to come but that we would figure something out. She is worrying over this though and that just about tears my heart out. Surely other kids have Grandparents that live far away but why is it that at this time of year it feels like mine is the only child in this situation? Anyhow, as it stands now it appears that my good friend (and the mom of Jaida's best friend) is going to go with Jaida to her school program. She is not a Grandparent or even a Grandfriend for that matter but she is someone that adores Jaida and I suppose that is all that matters.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Pink Mushroom

Originally uploaded by gias_kids.
Jaida started ice skating lessons. She really seems to love it and has really (surprisingly ) good balance. At one point all the kids were toppling over and I look out on the ice and there is Jaida standing on the ice watching all the commotion. She catches me watching and gives me two big thumbs up. Right before lessons started Jaida looks out at all the other kids on the ice and tells me "mama, none of the other kids are wearing helmets". I told her that her brain would thank me when/if she fell on the ice and banged her noggin. As she was leaving with her teacher she looks over her shoulder at me and says "mama, you worry too much". I think she would be paralyzed by fear if she knew how much I worry about her on a daily basis. I must hide it well (for the most part).
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Taking a little break from all the excitement

Originally uploaded by gias_kids.
I think Jaida had a great Christmas. We had a lot of fun on our break and of course she received many nice gifts. Jaida really got into all of our traditions this year. I think for Jaida preparing for Christmas was more fun than the actual day this year. Quite fun!