Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No fun at all

The appointment was not a disaster but it was less than ideal. Jaida woke in a dentist angst induced foul mood. She finally snapped out of it in time for her appointment but then chomped down and refused to open her mouth for Dr. Sona. After much pleading and promising on my part it was clear she had dug her heels in and was not planning on cooperating. She finally kind of opened her mouth enough to get the little bite thingy in and then we just sort of held her in place while Dr. Sona worked as quickly as possible. Luckily, no nitrous oxide or novocaine was needed. We got through it, eventually. As her prize for semi-cooperating she chose a Beck doll (Disney Fairie) that sits on the back of her Chipmunk friend, Scamper. It is pretty cute. Not sure why I like the Disney Fairie toys so much considering I am not at all fond of Disney stuff in general. Anyways ... that is how it went.

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