Much has happened since my last update. Jaida started in a 5 day a week three year old program last fall. She loved it and absolutely thrived. She only had slight first day jitters but happily marched into her new classroom and found her chair and started her day. She looked a bit nervous when it was time for me to go but did very well and just waved goodbye and let me go. She continued to thrive the rest of the school year. We were constantly given glowing reports of well Jaida was doing (both socially and academically) by her teacher. Jaida really loved going to school every day. Some of the highlights of her school year were her bike-a-thon, bear cave reading adventure, trip to the pumpkin patch, doughnuts with dad, muffins with mom, imaginary field trip to outer space, trips to several local parks, spirit week, and lots of other fun that was had in the classroom. In August she starts the pre-K program for four year olds at the same school. She is very excited to find out who her new teacher will be.
Jaida went trick or treating this last Halloween and she dressed as a beautiful flower. She also did a trunk or treat event at her school and had tons of fun. In October she also played in her third season of peewee soccer. It was amazing to see her out on the field ... she just has so much confidence. She also started her ballet class which she looked forward to every week.
The winter was filled with holiday fun. We didn't get that much snow this last winter but the little we did get Jaida enjoyed playing in. Lucky for her she seems to have inherited her dad's metabolism and is always too warm so she likes winter quite a bit.The Spring was very busy with get togethers with friends, outings to fun places, playing soccer for the spring season, and getting ready for her first dance recital. She finished school the end of May. Since then she swims pretty much every day at Nancy's house and has become so confident in the water. She seems to enjoy every minute of swimming and is getting a great work-out in the process. We have also been enjoying a local pool quite a bit so far this summer. We go a few times a week and at least one day each weekend. Jaida starts swim lessons at this pool in mid August.
Jaida is the best big sister in the world. I am surprised that there isn't more fighting between her and Jax. They seem to just work things out amongst themselves pretty well. We have learned that Jaida is very much not a morning person and Jax very much is ... for a while this was causing a few issues as Jax practically woke up screaming for yae-da. Now we keep him locked in our master bedroom with us until Jaida has time to wake and get moving on her own without her brother inviting himself into her room to poke her in the eyes until she wakes up and plays with him. Works much better and leads to a much more harmonious morning. :) Jaida just loves Jax so much ... she is constantly kissing on him and hugging him which is saying A LOT since she is not a kissy/huggy sort of person. Jax of course completely adores his sister and Jaida just loves this.
Most of all ... Jaida has just turned into such a lovely little lady. She is just the love of our life.
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