Friday, March 31, 2006


Jaida had a total blast in California. Unfortunately for us the trip did happen at the same time her last 2 year molar was trying to cut through. Between tooth pain and a bit of over-stimulation she was a total bear at times but nothing unmanageable. Many temper tantrums were had and a good deal of time was spent either discussing how she should act or in time-out or a little bit of both. :) We brought an inflatable Dora bed with us and she happily slept in it for both naps and night-time sleep and slept very well the entire trip. She really enjoyed spending time with Uncle Dave and Aunt Cheryl and meeting some of her other distant cousins. She also enjoyed spending time with her Grandma. Her Grandpa Don left a lasting impression as he tried to *steal* her Curious George doll once and that set the tone for the rest of the visit with him. She thought it was funny ... kind of ... and even now talks about it often. We spent a day at Disneyland. Jaida wasn't terribly impressed although seeing Woody from Toy Story and Tinkerbell were both highlights for her. We also went to Sea World with Dave, Cheryl, Lori and Niki and Jaida did get a huge kick out of seeing the orcas and dolphins. It was a nice trip.

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