Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Artist

Jaida is becoming quite the little artist. It is amazing how quickly it has happened also. Just last week she was only drawing rough shapes and now full blown people. I love watching her draw she has to list each part she is drawing as she draws it. So much fun. Her latest creations are daddy (in blue) and mama (in red/pink). These were done all by herself ... no help from us.

She is also drawing cats and dogs. The only real difference between the two is dogs have floppy ears and cats have pointy ears. :) Considering I am likely the least artistic person on the planet I am highly impressed.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Sleep child of mine

dear godzilla please sleep! We are going on two weeks now of very interrupted sleep. It is making us all miserable. We will survive but will not be happy in the process. Why oh why does Jaida have to be such a miserable teether? She is such a great sleeper at all other times but when she is teething sleep goes right in the toilet. She is trying to get the last two of her two-year molars plus half of a third. They just won't come in. I am thinking about giving her a spoon to bite down on to see if she can force them through ... we are getting a little bit desperate here.

It takes forever to get her to sleep at night and involves a great deal of coddling. It seems she knows she is most uncomfortable at night and just doesn't want to go through it alone. So for most nights of the last two weeks Joe ended up camping out on the floor next to her bed or at the very least (if he is lucky) at the top of the stairs reading his book. It takes her a LONG time to fall asleep and she doesn't seem to stay asleep all night. If we are having a good night she just wakes herself up crying and one of us cango in and lay her down and shush her until she falls back asleep. On an okay night Joe ends up camping out on the floor in her room for a while until she finally drifts off. On a not so great night she ends up in bed with me (while Joe is in the guest room) but does fall asleep quickly but wakes early. On a horrible night like last night she ends up in bed with me at 1:15 a.m. and doesn't fall back to sleep until 5:45 a.m. after much flailing, twisting and flipping about. It makes for a rough day let me tell you. I will celebrate in a big way when those teeth come in.

Did I mention that she had her six week appointment with the ENT doctor on Tuesday? Her ears look perfect as did her tempanogram. Her hearing is back into normal range which is super. She is released from his care until 6 months from now when she gets another check-up. This is all barring any ear infections popping up ... but so far so good.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A boundless imagination

It is so fun to watch Jaida when she is engaged in pretend play. There are no limits as to how things can happen. Joe and I often joke that Jaida goes beyond thinking outside the box since technically there is no box. She is not bounded by reality in the slightest which makes her pretend play just too much fun to watch. Scale does not matter. A 3 inch dollhouse figurine can happily co-exist in her pretend world with a 12 inch tall stuffed elephant. They get along well. In fact quite frequently we witness the dollhouse figurine in her little red car which is being pushed about by none other than stuffed elephant. There are also no real differences in animate vs inanimate objects. If she gathers all the people from her dollhouse to go on a trip to the zoo often the toilet or a kitchen chair gets to go along for the ride and enjoy the sights as well. There is the ever popular tea party that always involves an entire menagerie of animals ... frogs, bears, an elephant and a duck. Quite the motley crew but they have one thing in common they all love to attend Jaida's tea parties. Her cuddle blankies can be folded in such a way that they apparently strongly resemble a swaddled baby to Jaida ... she sees a face with a mouth, eyes and hair. She loves to rock these blankie babies and coos them. I guess to her it is the best of both worlds it allows her to indulge in her love of babies while also getting to cuddle her blankie. Joe and I just can't keep up with her ... by comparison our mode of play is so boring.

Jaida loves to trick us now. In fact, being a little trickster is one of her favorite past-times these days. Her and I were sitting reading a magazine the other evening when she points at a picture of a woman in the mag and tells me that she wants that lady for a mommy. When she got a rise out of me she lets out a little evil grin and giggle and tells me "I trick you mommy I am a trickster". She also tricks her daddy but most of the time it involves poop. As in "I have poop in my diaper" but when he goes to change her she yells "I trick you daddy there is no poopie".

Lastly, Jaida LOVES to play hide and seek. For some reason I have a very irrational fear of this game. I just always worry that she is going to hide and not come out and I won't be able to find her. So far though this fear has not been realized since Jaida hides in the same place ... right out in the open ... EVERY single time we play. Finding her is always easy. :)

I just cannot describe Jaida in a way that actually does her justice. She is just a joy to be around. Even on cranky days she honestly does her best to be a sweetie. She is so fun and sweet and smart and funny ... it is hard to describe. Anyhow, we just love her to pieces. We couldn't ask for more.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Happy New Year and Happy News

We had a wonderful albeit very busy month of December. Jaida enjoyed all the preparations for Christmas very much. She was quite intrigued with all the hoopla this year. She helped us pick out the perfect tree, she did a bit of decorating, watched Polar Express MANY times and drank A LOT of hot chocolate. She really got into the magic of Santa Claus this year and made many visits to talk to him. She never sat on his lap but by the last visit she would walk right up to him and tell him what she wanted for Christmas .... usually involved asking for some boys because she likes them (much to her daddy's dismay) along with some books and puzzles. She really enjoyed the ritual of putting a new Christmas Ornament on her Christmas tree advent calander every day first thing in the morning. I think it really helped clear up how many days were left until Christmas for her. She also loved all of the Christmas cards. We exchange greetings with many friends so we usually end up with well over 70 cards ... mostly picture cards of everyone's kiddos. This was a highlight of just about every single day. We would pull into the drive after work and Jaida would request that we stop and grab the mail. I would hand Jaida all the cards and she had a ball opening them and oohing and ahhing over all the kiddos. She had A LOT of fun getting together with her best friend Caleb and playing with him also. They are at such a great age and really enjoy playing together now ... it is fun to watch how different they are.

As the month progressed we were very busy. We did lots of fun Christmas related outings. The week of Christmas Jaida and myself made a road trip to Brooklyn to visit my friend and her twin boys. We stayed overnight and Jaida had a total blast playing with O & T and now considers them her boyfriends. ;) The whole group of us then went to NJ the next day to see a bunch more friends. We had a lot of fun. Christmas Eve we spent most of the day relaxing and then in the evening we met up with our friend's and their son downtown. We spent a few hours walking around the National and Capitol trees and theother lights about town. It was the perfect thing to do on Christmas Eve and we plan to do this as a group every year ... a little family tradition if you will. Then we came home and Jaida arranged some cookies on a platter and put a nice cold glass of milk with it for Santa. We opened a couple of presents each. Jaida opened her new Christmas penguin PJ's and The Winter Tale pop-up book. Joe and I each opened our new Christmas PJ's. Jaida went upstaris for a warm relaxing bath and then she put her new PJ's on and we read the Christmas book to her. She went to sleep and had sweet dreams of her upcoming Santa visit.

Santa came some time during the night and when Jaida FINALLY woke up in the morning we all went downstairs to find the tree all lit up and Christmas carols playing. Santa had eaten all the cookies and drank all the milk ... Jaida was thrilled beyond anything to see this. Santa did leave a scrap of cookie behind and Jaida decided it really shouldn't go to waste so she ate it right up. :) After a minute or so she noticed the beautiful dollhouse Santa left her. She played with it all morning. She took quite a while to get through all the little presents in her stocking and then we had some breakfast. It took Jaida most of the next 4 days to open the rest of her pressents. She really wasn't all that interested in the opening process but did appreciate every single gift. Some of her favorites are a Dora bedtime doll from her Aunt Noa. She saw the Dora text and started vibrating with happiness before she even saw the doll. She also loved the dollhouse although it has a lot of small pieces so often she gets a little frustrated but she will grow into it. She LOVES her doctor's set and comes at us with the syringe many times a day saying "I docor Jaida this will only hurt for a minute" with an evil smile on her face. She also loves a pink cd player and cd of music specially recorded with songs about Jaida on it. This came from Grandma Lylah and Grandpa Don. Every morning she wakes up and first thing she does is push the play button on her cd player so she can hear the "Wake Up Jaida song". It kind of freaks the dog's out a bit ... they recognize her name and think a stranger is in the house with us. Like I said she loves all of her gifts ... those are just the most played with ones right now. My sister Noa and her guy Charlie came over and spent the middle part of Christmas day with us. Jaida really enjoyed seeing her Aunt and Chachie (as she calls him) again. We lost power late in the day on Christmas Day so we postponed our Christmas dinner until Monday which was very nice for Joe and myself. It was quite relaxing. Overall, we had a relaxed and fun Christmas filled with friends, love and laughter ... which is the best kind.

Some funny Jaida things from lately. When Jaida is tired of watching a particular program on Noggin she will tell us "this is not a great show let's turn it off". She dances like a maniac and it is the funniest thing ever to watch. She has a new yoga for kids dvd that she LOVES and she does yoga every single day. It is pretty hillarious to watch. She tells me all the time that her hair is soft and long and that she is beautiful. Not vain at all. ;) She speaks like an adult now but sometimes uses the wrong word so she is just a hoot to talk to and talk she does ... just about constantly. She loves to talk on the phone now and talks to mom and dad while they are at work, to her Aunt Noa and her Grandma Lylah. Jaida is in the process of potty training and has pooped and peed on the potty now. We are just working to make it all happen more regularly at this point.

Happily, Jaida has been cold free so far this winter. I am quite happy about this after last winter. I guess it helps that she now is completely and utterly addicted to purell for her hands. That's our germ-o-phobe girl! ;) Her ears seem to be doing well also. She hasn't had any infections that we know about even though she is getting her last two two-year molars right now and they are giving her a great deal of grief. She goes back to the ENT doctor on Tuesday for a re-check. We are hoping for clean and healthy ears.

Some happy news is that Jaida is going to be a BIG sister! Her new sister or brother http://2006firecracker.blogspot.com/ will be here right around July 4th. We really didn't mention any of this to Jaida but she is an amazingly perceptive child and apparently picked up on the fact that a baby is coming just from some rather cryptic conversations Joe and I were having. The kids at daycare likely mentioned it to her also. One day she suddenly announced she wanted a baby boy. We figured at that point we should prabably talk to her a bit about all of this. Since I started showing really early this time around and we have been listening to the new baby's heart using our doppler it didn't take Jaida long to figure out the baby (or at the very least the baby's heart) is in my tummy. She now loves to tell everyone that the baby is in the baby holder in mama's tummy. Then she promptly whips up her shirt to show the person that there is a baby in her fat tummy also. :) She does seem to love it when we listen to the baby's heartbeat using the doppler but especially loves to listen to her own heart with the doppler. She completely knows how to operate the thing all by herself. Anyhow, this is just another happy addition to our already VERY happy existence. :)

Due to some minor annoyances I might have to password protect this site along with the new baby's site. If this happens just send me a quick email requesting the username and password. My email address is on my main site at gia@gialamela.com.